Red Dog Collective

Driven by Community, Committed to Change

At Red Dog Collective, we see the challenges faced by unhoused community members through a lens of dignity, compassion and community. Our commitment goes beyond providing temporary relief; we aim to do our part to empower and uplift individuals through outreach, providing a platform to amplify their voices and bringing attention to issues. There is a humanitarian crisis in our city that is being ignored or completely unknown by many who would like to help.

We will be working on getting more ways to interact with us soon through social media and this website.

This is a Humanitarian Crisis

Minneapolis is a city marked by a stark reality: the number of individuals experiencing homelessness has grown exponentially in recent years. Some of the contributing factors include the pandemic, mental health and substance use with lack of access to reasonable support and insufficient affordable housing. Reports have indicated a 62% increase in individuals not in shelters between 2015 and 2018, with the Twin Cities area experiencing a 93% surge​​. These numbers represent not just statistics, but stories of real people struggling in our society. We all need to work together to help.

Our local government has given us much lower numbers. We will address that in upcoming updates. They are underreporting by a large amount.

Sources: Wilder Foundation

Join the Collective Effort

With every initiative, every story shared, and every life touched, we’re not just contributing to the community—we’re inviting you to be a part of a collective revolution towards a world where no one has to experience homelessness. Explore, engage, and empower with us.

There has been an amazing amount of support aiding and guiding to help us in our efforts including our immediate South Minneapolis community, other independent outreach individuals and established non-profit organizations. We want to continue to engage with our community and spread awareness to help those in need and to be recognized as part of our community.

We are looking for volunteers and donations to keep our efforts going. Let us know if you can help below.

I will be posting what some of the needs are soon. I’m just getting the website started. Please check back for more info and ways to coordinate efforts amongst volunteers and organizations. – Adam

Talk to Us

Let us know if you need help, if you want to volunteer, donate, or just say hi.